Become confident in Webpack

2 min readMar 7, 2021
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

When it comes to understanding the web and how to code your next website or web application, there are many requirements. One of them is Webpack. To learnWebapack, you have a pair of options, namely, documentation and courses. To me, the latter is less time-consuming and more enjoyable. So, I list a couple of courses, you could use them to your advantage to learn and practice the latest version of Webpack.

Course Webpack 5 fundamentals

Not only the course teaches Webpack, but also it teaches how to refer to the Webpack documentation page. To me, teaching how to read document is novel, I haven’t seen the course that teaches how to refer to the documentation in order to solve a problem. Watching the course takes one and half hour.

I believe that watching the course would not require you to watch other courses and it would be sufficient to work with Webpack.


Actually, LearnWebCode is a YouTube channel, but recently the owner Brad Chiff has shared an outstanding boot-camp to teach coding for web development.

First and foremost, if you are new to web development, I recommend to study and watch the course. However, if you look to learn just about Webpack, he shares all the requisite knowledge about Webpack. It’s about 80 per cent of the Webpack, because it helped me to understand the Webpack and solve errors.

Moreover, if you look to move forward and combine Webpack with babel and some other packages, the above episode is the course you need. It helps you to know the process of managing different packages, merge the repeated parts of Webpack configuration and so much more.

PS: I am not affiliated with Udemy, YouTube, nor authors of the course.

